Managing Integrations
Manage your integrations on Paragon.
Integrations Manager serves as an easy way to connect new integrations, update existing ones, and manage OAuth-enabled apps you've connected to Paragon.
You can sort your integrations by:
Integration type
Number of workflows it's used in
Last updated
Adding integrations
Pressing the Add Integration button presents a full list of native integrations you can connect with Paragon.
Standard Integrations
Paragon provides native integrations with databases and other APIs to make it easy to connect workflows to your data.
You can take a look at our Integrations Catalog for a full list of supported integrations.
Integrations CatalogOAuth-enabled Apps
You can take a look at our OAuth providers for a full list of supported OAuth-enabled apps.
OAuth ProvidersEditing integrations
Click the More Options button to the right of an integration.
Select Edit.
Deleting integrations
Click the More Options button to the right of an integration.
Select Delete.
Confirm the deletion by pressing the Delete button.
Last updated