Displaying Workflows

Control the visibility or customize the description of workflows that appear in the Connect Portal.

Workflows are an easy way for members of your team to build integration logic. Workflows appear in the Connect Portal, in the Configuration tab, as a way for your users to opt-in or out of specific features of your integration.

Customizing the Workflow List

You can customize the Workflow List and their display options by visiting the Configuration tab of the Customize Connect Portal screen for any integration.

Not seeing a workflow in the Connect Portal? Workflows do not appear to your users in the Connect Portal if:

  • The workflow is not deployed

  • The workflow is hidden for all users

  • The workflow uses an Integration Enabled trigger

Reordering Workflows

Drag and drop Workflows to change the order in which they appear to your users in the Connect Portal.

Workflow Display Options

By clicking on a workflow row, you can edit the display options for that specific workflow:

Name and Description

This is the user-facing name and description of the workflows as it appears in your Connect Portal. You should give your workflow a descriptive name and explain the functionality that it provides in the description to make it easy for your users to decide which workflows they want to activate.


Workflow-level User Settings can be added to allow customization that is specific to a particular workflow (as opposed to User Settings that apply to multiple workflows across the integration).

Your user's selection for workflow-level User Settings will only be available to the workflow they are created for, as values available in the Variable Menu.

Learn more about adding and configuring User Settings below:

Default to enabled

If turned on, the workflow will appear as enabled by default once a user connects their account to the integration.

This setting is unavailable for workflows that have required workflow-level User Settings.

Turning on this option will not affect the workflow's status for existing users. For example, if the workflow is disabled for an existing user prior to turning on this option, it will remain disabled after turning on this option.

Hide workflow from Portal for all users

If turned on, the workflow will be hidden from all users from the Connect Portal.

The workflow can still be enabled by default (using the "Default to enabled" option described above) or enabled with a request to the Users API.

Workflow Permissions

You can restrict the visibility of workflows to specific users (or groups of users) with Workflow Permissions.

Learn more about adding and configuring Workflow Permissions below:

Last updated