Slack Integration

Send messages in Slack with Paragon.

1. Add Slack to Paragon

To add Slack to Paragon, click the "+" button in the workflow canvas and choose Slack from the sidebar. Under Connect your Slack account, choose "Add new account for Slack" and select the Slack workspace you want to connect to.

2. Sending Messages

Once your Slack account is connected, you can add steps to perform the following actions.

  • Send message in channel

  • Send DM

When composing your Slack message, you can reference data from previous steps by typing {{ to invoke the variable menu.

Additionally, you can choose whether to send a message as a bot or yourself. If you choose to send as a bot, you can choose to give your bot a custom name and icon.

You can also include a link to the workflow's Task History in your Slack message. This is useful if your team might need to quickly reference the workflow's data from Slack.

Last updated